Entertaining Ideas! - Party Happy!

Thanksgiving Party Favors

For the last 13 years my son Tony was in charge of the Thanksgiving party favors.  This started with his handprint turkeys, elevated to pinecone and glitter turkeys, then on to the colored feather and elbow macaroni turkeys, that were somehow eaten by something when we stored them in our attic.  We try not to think about it.

Now that Tony is 17, he has no time for making turkeys anymore.  It would take him away from his lovely gal, and heaven forbid, his car.  So the torch has been passed back to me.  I sure miss that sweet little boy...

You don't have to spend a bundle or be elaborate to make your guests feel special.  I put these little favors together for 14 people in less than ten minutes for less than $20 dollars.

Throw three Lindt truffles in a cellophane bag, add the mixed nuts (in the shell) as they are a sign of a good harvest, and luck for a prosperous year.  Plus, they keep the cute cellophane bag in the perfect shape to stand up on the table.   Add three strands of straw and tie with ribbon.  You can get the straw bundles at your grocery or craft store.  Simple, huh?

Party Happy - gooble, gooble!

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